Tuesday, January 17, 2012

No doubt in my mind!

     I don't know about you folks but I knew the Ravens had it all the way.....(ducks and watches the sky for lightning bolts!) What a game though, and man what a finish! Flacco to Boldin was hot when it needed to be, but I cringed when Rice could not get over the goal line. Flacco is a good QB. There I said it. What I see on that O line though is guys missing their blocks. Number 73 (Marshal Yanda) may as well have just stepped aside every time and said "There ya go boy, go get 'em!" There were very few plays where the D was stopped from getting to Flacco one way or another. I understand that is the job of the Defense, to knock down the O line to get pressure to the QB. The Offensive line must protect Flacco from the big hits that will come from the Patriots Defense if they want a chance at winning. The Ravens must bring an energy to the game like we have never seen from them on the road.

     Which brings me to the New England Patriots. How on earth are the Ravens going to shut down Gronkowski?!?! How are the Ravens going to own an angry Tom Brady who spews out hell fire and brimstone all four quarters of play?!?! How are the Ravens going to prevent Brady from reaching into the bellows and tossing thunder bolts that his targets are just not missing?!?!?! Ray Lewis has the ability of getting his team fired up but will Ed Reed and others that seemed to be there when it mattered be healthy enough to slay the New England beast? Tempting as it may be to rest and take it easy I am hoping for the Ravens sake they are all working hard and watching every reel they can find and making the adjustments they need to end out on top. I'm looking at you Marshal Yanda you need to block and protect your QB like your life depended on it!

Peace and good vibes,


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